Monday, August 26, 2013

The ontology of oncology ...

Oncology is the branch of life science that deals with the study of the cancer disease biology. Cancer is an old disease of the human and animal race, except has grown by 200% just in the last 100 years. People often blame it on the modern diet, but the factors responsible are numerous that include the environment, stress, genetic disposition and more. The study of various forms of cancer has been a daunting task for bio-researchers. About 1.5 million research papers have been published, there have been 200 approved drugs, 110,000 new treatment centers around the world, and a lot of different sophisticated treatment techniques have been invented. However, the disease is elusive and smart. Cancer is learning over time. It has learned to use our immune system to attack us. There is a ton of big-data about cancer, and this is precisely where categorization is critical for semantic correlation purposes. This is where ontology comes in. There are hundreds of ontologies published by various governmental and non-governmental organizations that attempt to classify the whole information base of cancer.

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